December 2022

An article from our colleagues at CRISMAT in Caen showing that the results published by Deng et al. (Energy Environ. Sci. 2020, 13, 3041) on a copper sulfide are actually incorrect. This article, making news from the CNRS Institute of Chemistry, is available by following this link.

November 2022

A special issue entitled “Thermoelectric Materials Science and Technology Towards Applications” was published in the journal Applied Physics Letters. The article collection can be viewed by following this link.

An article from our colleagues at CRISMAT in Caen on copper sulphides of mineral origin is making news at the CNRS Institute of Chemistry. The article is available following this link.

October 2022

The international Materials 2022 conference took place from October 24 to 28. During the “Materials and energies” conference, in which a session on thermoelectricity was organized, Eric Alleno, from the ICMPE in Thiais, gave an invited presentation on this occasion which provides a general overview of the theme in France. Given the time available, all of the scientific activities of the laboratories involved in the GIS could not be covered. The presentation is available by following this link.

The GDR MEETICC (Materials, ElecTronical States, Interactions and Non-Conventional Couplings), in association with the GIS Thermoelectricity, is organizing a thematic meeting entitled “From quantum matter to functional materialson January 24 and 25, 2023 at the Collège de France in Paris. The aim of the meeting is to shed light on different families of functional materials with potential fruitful applications and to discuss their fundamental or quantum properties. The meeting will aim to highlight the connection between fundamental research and applications. The presentations, abstracts and posters will be in English.

In addition to invited oral interventions, a few slots will be reserved for contributions sent. To maximize exchanges, however, we encourage you to submit contributions aimed at presenting a poster.

The deadline for submitting abstracts and registering for the banquet is December 2, 2022. After this date only contributions by poster will be accepted.

Find all the practical information on the conference website

The organizing committee: David Berardan (Paris-Saclay), Manuel Bibes (THALES), Benoît Fauqué (IPCDF), Antoine Georges (IPCDF), Etienne Janod (IMN), Brigitte Leridon (ESPCI), Yvan Sidis (LLB)

September 2022

The 18th European Thermoelectricity Conference (ECT 2022) took place from September 14 to 16 in Barcelona. It brought together 280 people from 29 countries. Many members of the GIS-TE community participated, who you can (perhaps 🙂 ) find in the group photo below.

September 2022

The new GIS-TE website is online! Do not hesitate to send us your images, figures, photos, announcements… to bring this site to life!

July 2022

National ThermoElectricity Days, JnTE 2022, Rennes

Two years after the last National Thermoelectricity Days organized in Metz, the JnTE, organized by Pierric Lemoine, Mathieu Pasturel and Régis Gauthier, from the Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes, were able to take place in person in Rennes from July 11 to 13 . A summary of these days is available by following this link.

The Bernard Coqblin Prize for the best thesis in thermoelectricity was this year awarded to Isaac Haïk Dunn who carried out his thesis work at CRISMAT in Caen. Isaac is rewarded for his work entitled “Thermoelectricity: from absolute calibration to autonomous sensors” which brought together a study of a TE generator to power sensors measuring the temperature and the relative humidity level in the atmosphere and the measurement of the Thomson effect in metals and anisotropic materials.

A big thank you to the entire organizing team for hosting these days and for the photos to discover below!