Bernard Coqblin (1941 – 2012) was a recognized expert in the physics of heavy fermion compounds based on rare earth and actinides (spin fluctuations, Kondo effect, thermoelectric power associated with this effect, etc.) at the Physics Laboratory of the Orsay Solids. Bernard regularly participated in the meetings of the GDR of Thermoelectricity. In 2014, it was decided to create a thesis prize in his memory in order to reward the best French thesis in thermoelectricity. Since this date, the GDR, and since 2018 the GIS TE, has launched a new call for applications for this prize each year. The winner receives a prize of €500, sponsored by the French company Moïz located in Grenoble.

To apply for the 2024 thesis prize, the thesis must have been defended between 10/1/2023 and 09/30/2024. The file must consist of an extended CV (CV + list of publications + summary of thesis work), the thesis defense report and the thesis manuscript in pdf format. The examination of the files is carried out by a committee of specialists in thermoelectricity external to GIS-TE. 

The award of the 2024 thesis prize and the presentation of the work of the winner will take place during the 2024 National Thermoelectricity Days organized in November in Strasbourg. Applications should be sent to Christophe Candolfi ( 

Do not hesitate to forward this announcement to the young doctors or to students who will soon defend their PhD!